Category Archives: Maryland

Upcoming Show – Unseen, Photography Beyond the Visible

April 20 – May 13, 2017 –  One of my photographs has been accepted in an upcoming show at the Providence Center for Photographic Arts in Providence, Rhode Island.    It is a before/after enhancement of a ghost sign in Baltimore,  Maryland.  The sign is nearly impossible to read in person.  It is more legible in the digital image.  I used my image enhancement method to reveal the wonderful images of women wearing their sunburst plaited skirts. Here is a link to the show’s website :  Unseen

Simon's Plaiting Establishment, Baltimore, Maryland
Simon’s Plaiting Establishment, Baltimore, Maryland

“Simon’s Plaiting Establishment, Sunburst Plaited Skirts, Dress Platings, Pinking, Buttons Covered, 123 W. Saratoga St. – Just Around the Corner”